Op mijn mailtje dat ik nu eindelijk eens op zwemles ben gegaan, kwam haar antwoord met de suggestie om zwemvliezen te nemen. Weet niet of ik dat ga doen.
WOW, I AM IMPRESSED by your challenging yourself...1000 meters is 40 lengths of the 25 meter pool where Erin and 'share time and swim laps'...must do the 'math' on that but think it is nearly SEVEN times what I did last Wednesday....YOU AND ERIN HAVE THE HEIGHT, THE LONG LEGS and ARMS....
SUGGESTION: see if your "for 2 month instructor' will allow you to use flippers and do NOT GET ONES with the extra long 'ends'...because even the shorter ones will be great assist in that lessons for 2 months to ACCOMPLISH 1000 METERS IS REALLY some challenge.Even later kwam er een vervolgmailtje, met het voorstel om de machtige Columbiarivier, die de grens vormt van de staten Washington en Oregon, over te zwemmen. Maureen garandeert dat ik het er levend zou afbrengen.
Plan now to visit your TX brother&family, and your lifelong friends in mile-hi-city and COME ON LABOR DAY (first Monday in September) and swim across the Columbia River (border of WA/OR), get a t-shirt, hot drink&sandwiches, and have fun. I'll try to find the DVD of the year I enjoyed the event (Sponsor: Chamber of Commerce, HoodRiver, OR)
I 'beat' my estimated time by 9-11 minutes. It is only 1.5 miles. A ferry (smaller than the one to TEXEL, NL) takes swimmers over to the shore of Washington, then you swim diagonal to the Oregon shore. Yes, there are 'rescuer' boats so you WILL BE ALIVE TO RETURN TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL NETHERLANDS.